Etched Figures with Color that Create Reflections
1.‘Seminal Work I’, 4.5” x 4.5” x 1” without stand 1”H x 4.5”L, Multi-media / dimensional work on acrylic slab, 2015-2016.
2. ‘Muses Gone Wile!’ 6”x 6” x 1” without stand 1” x 6”, Multi-Media/ dimensional work on an acrylic slab, 2015-16.
3. Muses Gone Wile!’ 12”x 12” x 1” without stand, 1” x 12”, Multi-Media/ dimensional work on an acrylic slab, 2015-16
4. ‘A Gathering of Men’, 12”x12”x1” size without 1”h. stand. Multi-media / dimensional work on an acrylic slab, 2016 -17
5. ‘Pose, Pose, Pose’, 12”x 12”x1” without one inch stand, with stand an additional 1”Hx 12”L, Multi-Media/ dimensional work on an acrylic slab, 2016-17.
6. ‘Proud Stance’, 6”x 6”x 1”size without 1”x6” stand, Multi-Media/ dimensional work on an acrylic slab, 2015-16.